Thursday 26 September 2013

Samurai philosophy in modern time

This post is a new bread post I have decide to put true, come from different way to practice the path and also this reflection come from the modern way of Bushido as most of us not just practice the Tibetan Buddhism I have decide to all the way to the path by this introduction post.

In modern time we live hardship and sometime great time, can be compare to the past over the war time and peaceful time, in our life we face all kind of crisis and on that some of us are really prepare and some other are really not prepare.

When we look on warriors philosophy the Samurai philosophy for us Buddhist sound quite good because there's both dedication and also compassion on it.

Also the bushido have bring us some great values and when we look to our modern society sometimes we have to think “yes” we need values to keep going.

So the bushido bring nine virtues to cultivate and this virtues are link to the bodhisattva virtues, in Japan buddhism and samurai was really close to each others and even if the society was not far they have also bring sense of peace and of virtue.

In our chaotic time when everything move like storm around us we have to be able to stand like a warrior in next post I will develop the Bushido for modern time.

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