Sunday 28 July 2013

Addiction to samsara

Lama Jigme Rinpoche have told recently if you want become buddha in one life you have to renounce everything and if enlightenment is not the principal goal in your life you can have a family and progress life after life if you practice the virtue .

Lama Milarepa say : you have to be disgust by the samsara to really want realise enlightenment and go for it.

Chatral Rinpoche say in the compassion in action we have to have the lifestyle for that and renounce of the samsara to carry on real dharma practice.

So we all looking for fun, relationship and money everyday east or west are the same in modern world we live in pure addiction of samsara, we live in comfort or struggle to get comfort and we thinking to only that.

Tsem Tulku Rinpoche say : the samsara promise a lot but give nothing

We think everything we have see enjoy will make us better but each time we get more angry when something don't go the way we expect and that build an heavy karma to us as we are not practising the way in pure renunciation that even more hard to put our mind in daily meditation, the Buddha say the mistakes is think you time, and time is running really fast and if we not practising or path everyday we losing our time in samsara at the end they're nothing more harmful than that.

Because in our quest of comfort we hurt beings around us, sometimes we make suffer relatives and don't feel any guilt to fix it, we hurt animals and many more and no we are not karma free, karma never stop and as you can see if we really meditate on cause and effect mistakes we make we get us by one way or another except if we purify and go forward in path even take refuge everyday is really powerful and we should remind our self for what was the reason we took refuge in the first place.

We wonder why we suffer so much but as say Shandideva all the suffering in the world come from wanted happiness for oneself and all happiness in the world come from wanting happiness from others, we should remind ourself everyday and when anger come cut it and act with kindness, when the pride and ego is here cut it and act with renunciation, when hatred come we should remind ourself all beings have buddha nature and we should love them not love some kind and reject others that pure duality and that not the path of the buddha.

Thursday 25 July 2013

The light of the guru in the darkness of samsara

In this time when only 6 % of buddhist practice really the pure way relate on past master like Lama Milarepa is become even more important than anything else .

We are everyday making choice or not making choice what's a choice on itself to float in pure samsara, distraction of all kind everywhere for those who have sense of ethic and pure faith and devotion in the way to liberate him/her self and others from the watching machine of the samsara is like fighting a MMA fighter with no skill to survive the fight.

In that we have to relate on our precious past present masters to help us to come true all our disturbance make us useless to help others, we live in pure ego trip society and we have to remind ourself this is not real in the way we think, this will disappear so fast in time of death.

We complain about our condition, we complain about politician, we complain about this or that we fall deep in depression because we acting like spoil kids.

Yes the precious lama is always here to remind us, all you got is because of you no one else, you are the master of your fate and there's even more important quest in life than just self sharing.

We take like granted the small pieces we got and forget that will also disappear in time of death as the guru yoga with the lama is the higher tantra ever we should remember Milarepa story and practice the path everyday by all the way we can.

Build up an ego don't take many time but leave it take even more time and let go of bad habit is work of everyday, when we wake up 10 / 20 years later and see “ha my lama is no more here I wasted my time doing this, doing that now what I can do “

I have personal story to share with you one of my friend is student of Trungpa rinpoche and during life he meet him long time and practice with him and also live is life when Trungpa pass away he start to go a bit to much in samsara and one day I was sitting with him in his home and he told me how it was so hard to get back to practice, it was a fight of everyday to do not spend that time busting around internet and see things not useful, yes is closer to 78 years old now and he give me that big advice “practice the dharma no matter what because if you waste your time, time we take over you and you will lost everything and be afraid to die”

Yes in our time when 6 % of buddhist practice really we need to think again and maybe push to next step remind the bodhisattvas vows we took, remind the promises we made to our lama and go for it, time is now, the past is past and we will never live that again, future is not here yet so why spend our time in non meaningful life and practice no virtues at all.

Kandro Rinpoche say if you look everyday how many virtue you really practice isn't much so for that we should be really diligent and don't forget our life is precious.

To finish this post I like to say in this time we look for proof of everything we should remind that movie Start war : Luke: I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you fail.

Take a leap of faith and carry on look for what is real truth !!!

Friday 12 July 2013

Human with good qualities

When I first read Shambhala the path of the warrior that have make inside revolution to me, strangely when we look to our modern society media and surrounding are good to reflect bad human qualities but clearly forget one things we all got buddha nature vast and aware.

When we read the both books of Trungpa rinpoche and the Sakyong we are bit chock to see as humanity have quality of basic goodness, sound strange to hear that when since we are kids the Christian view build us in our mind that we are sinner.

Also Shambhala learn us we are brave and we don't look a situation as desperate, we change our mind to open our heart to bodhicitta when the situation is hard.

In our time today when we look to the news or just go to our shop by a book and look that the top reading in our time is the serial killer series we can ask ourself “ Where's the love ? “

Our society have totally drop what make us human and shambhala remind us how we should develop everyday the goodness to others, as Shambhala come from the kalashakra tantra this principal are higher but keep in mind this principal that also remind ourself yes human beings can care for each others, human being can protect environment, yes human being can be good .

The Sakyong have ask those who follow the shambhala way to help to build a enlightenment society but what's enlightenment society, in some way is be aware of sufferance of others and help them to deal with that also help each others to get rib of negativity and the list is long.

Yes we can build a better society, if we build better understanding of ourself .

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Love hate ignorance attachment

From the 37 practice of Bodhisattva it's say

[The mind of] attachment to loved ones wavers like water. [The mind of]
hatred of enemies burns like fire. [The mind of] ignorance that forgets what to
adopt and what to discard is greatly obscured. Abandoning one’s fatherland is
the bodhisattvas’ practice.

Garchen Rinpoche explain in our daily life we should not be to attach to loves one for sure we have to take off but we should not be attach to the love one, Rinpoche say also we should avoid hatred for enemy because that hell state of mind and the first feet in hell realms, the both are lead by ignorance what is the main cause of all the suffering in this world.

Garchen rinpoche say also that in all kind of relationship in hard time we should learn to develop the 6 paramitas and not just stay in hatred, knowing that if we look on our daily life as we got all kind of relationship good and bad how do we work ?

The key to cut attachment is unconditional love and lost of expectations sound hard to do but that the only way to find to free ourself from troubles, we have work on that everyday in our life and not delay for x and y reasons we fall again into the samsaric states but like the bodhisattvas practice say we should not stop the examination our mind.

So what's cure for hatred, the cure of hatred is compassion if for x and y reason we will get kill by an enemy we can go under the mountain in deep river but the karma will always follow us so as Garchen rinpoche say if that extreme situation arrive we should not have anger because anger lead us strait a head to the lower realms, in everyday that also mean when someone get angry with you in some way that our karma so let go of our anger and build up the compassion both victim and aggressor have to had compassion .

All our pain come from the deep roots of ignorance and we should be aware of that knowing that and as our precious human life is really important we should lead a meaningful life, because we are delude and think that OK I'm young we try to forget we will are not sure to have another human rebirth so we should work hard and change our view to transform our mind. 

Sunday 7 July 2013

Calm like a bomb

I open the news and see this morning some extremist have attack Bothgaya what is the Meca for buddhism, in Buddhism there's many prophesy like the prophesy of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambava who talk about the Tibetan spread in the world and the dharma growing up to the west.

But this morning this have made me think of that, since ages buddhism in Tibet in India have suffer but in the west buddhist have also take a new face on protection.

The Drukpa himself have made his nun practice kung fu, another question is also is do the same that extremist do like buddhist extremist in Burma is not playing exactly the same game so also create the same karma .

So in bushido it's say Hatsumi sense say awareness in important in all way, yes walk in peace but never forget that we are in an hostile world we have to work with all of that be at peace the maximum we can but when we are under attack we have also to protect ourself .

All community need peace extremist buddhist are same as Taliban there's no difference they both suffer of the same disease “ Ignorance “ and we all suffer from this disease I send this pray to my Muslim brothers and say to them we need peace and also send this pray to my Buddhist brothers we really need peace .

The price of peace is more important than we destroy each others, in both way that kind of violence when you are in spiritual path whatever is your path is non sense “Tsem Tulku Rinpoche say take a minute look to mother Theresa and all the great saint of history have make good deed all time for sure this people are in paradise, now look to those people who kill in a name of saying that good deed sorry but that pure madness because this people think doing that they will go to paradise but do you imagine this people close of mother Theresa who made her life full of good deed do you think really this people will go to paradise is logic “

Only good deed bring peace .