Tuesday 5 March 2013

Smoke offering

How to make offerings?

Offer water and foods in the morning, offer smoke offerings from cooked foods in the evening , can relieve hungry ghost beings’ sufferings in thirst and hunger , especially when we do these with great compassion, the effect is even greater. Love without attachment is the basis of true generosity. We should be generous to donate as much as possible to those in desperate need of help.

Below mantra is what we can recite when making offerings so that the offerings substances can be multiplied:
Water, foods and smoke offerings are for the four guests(Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors, weak beings, ghosts and spirit beings). Water offering substances are pure water mixed with butter and flour. The smoke of the burning of things are mixture of "three white" (milk, butter and cheese), three sweet (sugar, honey and molasses) and blessed substances. When making these offerings, should visualize self as compassionate Avalokitesvara manifested in the form of Kasarpani (Standing Chenrizig form with four arms and in front is Buddha Namparnangjey), and at the same time reciting his mantra 100 times : Om Mani Padme Hung Hri.

Then Offering mantra:
Nama (respect) Sarwa(all Buddhas) Data Gata Avalokite Om Sam Bha Ra Sam Bha Ra Hung (power of transforming offerings to be multiplied to become huge).

If you don’t know how to do smoke offerings, H.H. Chatral Rinpoche taught one lazy student a way to making offering " you can offer by burning a mandala sign with food offerings. That will satisfy all beings to relieve their cravings and hunger.

Then recite four Buddhas’ name (?)

After that, do the emptiness practice, the primordial nature of what you had given, in its essence there is nothing to give, no one to receive and the self does not exist. It is like dream.

Dedication : After absorbing in emptiness, get up from emptiness state and do dedication, then recite mantra with all Buddha’s teachings including all phenomenas happened are from cause and condition. the beings who will understand what is the dharma after received the offerings.

Do this is as offering of dharma with generositity:
Ye Dharma
He Du Parra Bha Wa
He Tunte Khan Da Tha
Ga To Haya Wa Dha Ta
Te Khan Zha
Yo Ni Ro Dha
Ae Wam Ba Dhi
Maha Sharr Ma Na
Om Su Parra Dista
Vajra Ye Soha (successful and victory)

You may make a copy of this to make it handy when you need it. It is best that we can do daily offering as much as we can

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