Buddhist, self help blog, talking about Buddha Dharma, other dharma and self help how to change your life with mindful tools.
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
When Dharma isn't enough
Are you ready to reed that one if not just don't even read because that one you will have to face yourself buddhist or not.
First let's talk buddhist one reflection I here a lot is yeah dharma is this or that, closely after that one I here the big excuse of that karma.
We westerner and easterner have that tendency to this the lama like : Coach, couple adviser, relationship adviser, finance adviser, banker, mortgage adviser and I can continue the list for long time.
So back on lama is great powerful but he want you also to move your ass servilely, karma mean action nothing more nothing less, I know I will heard ho the shitty life I have got is due my past life, good and what you do for changing that ?
We all practice that good but guess what we need also of taking care of ourself, one of the bodhisattva practice say so if you are not able to taking care of oneself how you just wish to take care of others.
Second thing I saw strangely some us like the comfit sit in temple, one I saw recently was that one I feel great alone great so why the lama ask you to find someone if that not to maybe move yourself out of the comfort zone.
I saw loads of that I'm buddhist I'm broke and I cannot got for teaching, maybe it's time to ask yourself what you need to change in your life the lama will give you good practice to do but if you can accumulate much Dzambhala mantra.
If you are not able to see what is wrong in your life how you want change something at all.
Couple in dharma OK when one don't find the excuse to blame the other and them when the lama say that the karma first reaction “ah I was right to break with that woman or that man” yes the lama will told you unconditional love will help that the pure truth, in same time a couple is two persons so how if you are not able to face that not just one who get the blame and the other is right, in real life specially in couple we are both responsible no matter what.
Maybe we are to much hypocrite with ourself to face that someone a psychologist or couple adviser can show us what we don't want see.
Trust me since I'm study hardly a psychology most of us need to work ourself super deep to find some real clue in dharma after.
My favourite the critical dharma practitioner, must find critic in everything and everyone call miss of confidence. Also other face of that one is bit fanatic able to criticize other religion saying that is bad to be Muslim and so on without seeing that is just putting a big finger in his eyes in same time because whatever religion you are, whatever mistake you make you still got the buddha nature.
We think because we practice buddha dharma we hold the truth back on earth, you may be got the torch that point you to the truth but the map is bit different of the territory.
We like just run out of life saying now I'm pure I'm dharma practitioner I'm this, so why in our society today we got pure bodhisattva who are just lay and don't even want hear about title or whatever.
I look to the fire brigade how those guys save life and ask yourself when you start to run out in your life what did so good you did for the society today ?
Because Karmapa say there's no difference between a good buddhist and good person, meaning for me isn't just enough to go to temple like Christian church and say I'm done now I can comeback selfish again.
As practitioner we have do to our daily practice but also we got all a piece in our society so yeah we all shout like Captain America of Facebook “hooo pour being please do something for them be this or that” guess what who you try to convince ?
Because as I know if you take those who come to dharma teaching taking the rock start of buddhism the Daily lama he don't fill up the stadium like Lady Gaga does sad truth but real.
Count how many people come to the dharma teaching in your town and you are lucky if you can count your two hands together.
So who are you trying to convince except yourself, remind also that people come to coaching are also rare so if you want be Captain America or Wonder Woman no other way that be brave face your shit and move your life to average to greatness as I know our small like in our miserable facebook page don't move a lot of people.
But I do know that Bono or Jay Z or whatever say something granted you that everybody will follow, but we are also good we buddhist to say that their karma but next life, guess what next Jay Z life that guy have help half of New York and give more money to charity that you have ever give in one day so yeah next life for him will be even better just because in this life he took charge and say fuck karma I believe and just do it.
Prayer is something but without action there's just wishful thinking, follow by action prayer are super powerful because our mind and let's call that the Toa will always comeback at you.
All of this start by changing yourself, you can preach whatever compassion to other if you never applying to yourself “What the point to you to see all this great teaching” ?
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Enough dark to see the stars
Dear friends that’s long time I don't have been writing here, I
am happy to put finally that new blog out . I am deeply thankful for
my masters Karmapa Trinley Taye Dorje and Garchen Rinpoche for there
kindness and powerful teaching they gave me.
When hardship make you stronger to love other and help them, in that way I don't speak only about dharma that can be applied to all areas of your life.
We see hardship as a bad things sometimes can bad experience that true that bad experience and in the middle of that usually stay something we don't see yet can be anything.
For me hardship in my own experience have help me to go forward in what told me Garchen Rinpoche be totally compassionate and loving by his life experience have truly inspire me to become like that no matter what.
We can learned, we can bring sometimes out of the blue, we are on such place and there's that annoying guy who speak with lot of F words and we got that two solution pop up into our head punch him or let's talk to that guy because maybe he got a challenge to in his life.
Like Eric Thomas say, “if we want succeed we have to man up” see on that way that simply means take charge of our life, I knew many dharma practitioner saying this is samsara or that is samsara, one of my question to Garchen Rinpoche was that when he was in Edinburgh and strangely he told me that, “Relationship best way to practice the 6 paramitas, Work best way to practice patience and the list like that was long” so yes I know a Dharma temple is cosy and we can find excuses to not take charge of our life I agree with that and the question at the end do we really live our life ?
We like to live in that state of mind of scarcity it's protective to be what we know and the unknown can be scary sometimes. I agree and respect, what if we open the door a little bit and start to see the light out there. We like keeping rocks in our pocket we forget sometimes the diamond isn't that far from us.
Following that now hardship become blessing, in every experience we can learn if you poison yourself ones you will be careful next times. Also if we drive badly and get cut we learned to drive carefully in that we have also to learn to get attached to our past experience, every person we met is different if one have make you suffer don't mean that second person will do the same.
For dharma practitioner one things Garchen Rinpoche learn me was to get out of the comfort zone and that work not just for dharma I mean that work for everything.
When hardship make you stronger to love other and help them, in that way I don't speak only about dharma that can be applied to all areas of your life.
We see hardship as a bad things sometimes can bad experience that true that bad experience and in the middle of that usually stay something we don't see yet can be anything.
For me hardship in my own experience have help me to go forward in what told me Garchen Rinpoche be totally compassionate and loving by his life experience have truly inspire me to become like that no matter what.
We can learned, we can bring sometimes out of the blue, we are on such place and there's that annoying guy who speak with lot of F words and we got that two solution pop up into our head punch him or let's talk to that guy because maybe he got a challenge to in his life.
Like Eric Thomas say, “if we want succeed we have to man up” see on that way that simply means take charge of our life, I knew many dharma practitioner saying this is samsara or that is samsara, one of my question to Garchen Rinpoche was that when he was in Edinburgh and strangely he told me that, “Relationship best way to practice the 6 paramitas, Work best way to practice patience and the list like that was long” so yes I know a Dharma temple is cosy and we can find excuses to not take charge of our life I agree with that and the question at the end do we really live our life ?
We like to live in that state of mind of scarcity it's protective to be what we know and the unknown can be scary sometimes. I agree and respect, what if we open the door a little bit and start to see the light out there. We like keeping rocks in our pocket we forget sometimes the diamond isn't that far from us.
Following that now hardship become blessing, in every experience we can learn if you poison yourself ones you will be careful next times. Also if we drive badly and get cut we learned to drive carefully in that we have also to learn to get attached to our past experience, every person we met is different if one have make you suffer don't mean that second person will do the same.
For dharma practitioner one things Garchen Rinpoche learn me was to get out of the comfort zone and that work not just for dharma I mean that work for everything.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
What are you ready to do to help someone
code of honor known as Pashtunwali. Among its main principles
includes providing asylum to a person against his enemies and to
protect him at all costs.
I have been to cinema long time I don't have see a movie and I have
decide to see alone survivor, I knew the story since I have see many
documentary about what's happened and still happening in Afghanistan.
bravery of Muhammed Gulab is pure example of real bodhichitta, he
save Marcus Luttrel without thinking and it's most important as
Taliban still exist in Afghanistan he still face death sentence for
this action.
that story there's more than just the story of a person saving
another but more the question of are we ready to do the same are we
brave enough ! We all play philosopher and talk about bodhichitta all
day long but when it's time to action sometimes we forget really our
On the other side was Marcus Luttrel a soldier and same he lost all his brother in arm and with many wounds and gunshot have been able to manage to survive.
this that remind me my math tutor saying we have nothing to complain
about we just do our job or our little life if we want to succeed we
can we are just lazy and not dedicate.
the bravery of Muhammed Gulab and the dedication of Marcus Luttrel on
my part was really big dharma teaching.
honest in start to of that movie there's a training of Navy Seals and
just the training is hell push the body so much that you become
someone else and you know what are all capable of that we just put
our body and our mind so low that we just give up.
our spiritual path both braveness and total dedication is need it
that part of the our balance we have to both taking care of our self
and others.
forgetting our siblings and family in our world today we do what we
can but that not a reason to find excuse, if we have time to go to
pub it's also easy to take time to work for a charity.
we found time for smoking and destroy our body it's easy to find time
to do the good things yes most of our time we dedicate to self and
forget other.
of depression in the west is simply due to that Anthony Robbins say
that when you hit the red light of depression is time to ask yourself
what do you have really do for others and in same time also say when
touch the orange light of dedication toward what you want them you
will know that to go to the green light there's no other choice to
dedicate yourself both for you and others.
finish this is simple what are really able to do for others. ?
Monday, 13 January 2014
Walking like a Tiger or following the Sheep
Tonight after have been watching 12 years of slave and Brad Pit at one point say that my “Duty” this text arise to my mind.
So we all have duty to our family and friends but sadly we clearly forgive our duty we have for others and turn selfish.
A spiritual path whatever we take is warrior path, we fake to be kind and have big pride say we are not able of and one again that big ego pride.
Who's kind is able to suffer for the benefit of other not just for his/her own benefit, we strive to get the last mobile phone but turn off when is taking time to help homeless on street.
We are afraid to look bad on this on that in front of friends, talk about friend one friend of my have show me
a great example of generosity as he work in station, he use to have some food and first things he do was to give to homeless.
When we look to Edinburgh or others town like Paris, LA whatever tell me if in our great cities there's no homeless and in front of that, there us eating our sandwich as this our right.
We don't forget our right but easily forget our duty in our society and we find excuse to follow the troupes into the matrix.
So the idea of compassion can easily fly away kindness is nor emotional nor sentimental kindness is kind and fully active.
Friday, 3 January 2014
Live for love
Army of love defeat all hatred
Tonight I was first wanted to write about the decision I have take what this have put me a bit in the 8 miles.
With bag of cloth and all shrine stock in my car, but since I enter the promissory room and I have to deal with lot of things.
So tonight I was cruelly starving and my land lord had say some wise word like time for you to go forward in life you got nice projects work toward this.
Tonight I was outside decide to break all habit I have been first to one pub I use to go and strangely the music Depeche Mode was on and my first taught was “ironic”.
Because my ex had cheat on me for going with a guy fan of Depeche mode, so I have decide to move out this not feeling friendly in that pub I moved.
And as I was passing by this other pub since I'm here I have never put a feet inside, I have start to say to myself yeah let's try anyway.
I enter and first discover a nice group live playing was really great, second even if they was not a lot of people was really good mood.
After that I have decide to have a walk and I have put my music on, I know right now my budget is really short, so I cannot do lot of things my next bursary will be on the 17 so I have deal with what I have.
Putting the music on I was praying and this taught come to my mind like bullet, for what do you live and I start to listen that music I love at the moment give me lot of inspiration and at one point on this music the singer say I want to live for love.
And strangely that time this have touch me deep, I had always live for love, love to give to another, love for all beings, love to let go my ex partner on her path, love was my answers and tonight all personal teaching of Garchen rinpoche start to make even more sense.
We can say we live for our family and so on that the top of the iceberg at the end we all live for love, even or presence here right now is base on love from our parents, some people go to war for protection other by love, some other destroy each others because they miss love.
Love is the answer of all our questions, but that love is far deep from inside out, that love take all beings without judgement and make them live.
When we ask ourself why we live like this or like that, that for love no more no less this love we must find in deep inside us that one who had no wall that one who not judge, whatever we call it, God, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva whatever that is still love.
Tonight I was first wanted to write about the decision I have take what this have put me a bit in the 8 miles.
With bag of cloth and all shrine stock in my car, but since I enter the promissory room and I have to deal with lot of things.
So tonight I was cruelly starving and my land lord had say some wise word like time for you to go forward in life you got nice projects work toward this.
Tonight I was outside decide to break all habit I have been first to one pub I use to go and strangely the music Depeche Mode was on and my first taught was “ironic”.
Because my ex had cheat on me for going with a guy fan of Depeche mode, so I have decide to move out this not feeling friendly in that pub I moved.
And as I was passing by this other pub since I'm here I have never put a feet inside, I have start to say to myself yeah let's try anyway.
I enter and first discover a nice group live playing was really great, second even if they was not a lot of people was really good mood.
After that I have decide to have a walk and I have put my music on, I know right now my budget is really short, so I cannot do lot of things my next bursary will be on the 17 so I have deal with what I have.
Putting the music on I was praying and this taught come to my mind like bullet, for what do you live and I start to listen that music I love at the moment give me lot of inspiration and at one point on this music the singer say I want to live for love.
And strangely that time this have touch me deep, I had always live for love, love to give to another, love for all beings, love to let go my ex partner on her path, love was my answers and tonight all personal teaching of Garchen rinpoche start to make even more sense.
We can say we live for our family and so on that the top of the iceberg at the end we all live for love, even or presence here right now is base on love from our parents, some people go to war for protection other by love, some other destroy each others because they miss love.
Love is the answer of all our questions, but that love is far deep from inside out, that love take all beings without judgement and make them live.
When we ask ourself why we live like this or like that, that for love no more no less this love we must find in deep inside us that one who had no wall that one who not judge, whatever we call it, God, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva whatever that is still love.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
I like first to thanks all of you to carry following my adventure in that blog, also I like send my wish for those who are in suffering and may 2014 give them something new.
This blog idea have been coming to when I was thinking to make the Dharma more accessible, this year was both blessing and curse, blessing because I have been getting more closer of my dharma masters than ever, curse because sadly I discover that you never know someone.
But now this a new year and new start, I believe in opportunities and we have to jump on it when one come to you.
Tonight I have a quite new year and I feel that new year will bring good challenge and good things back in return.
For the new year I will emphasis more in dharma in daily life. Garchen Rinpoche say dharma is love when you lose love you lose dharma.
I send a wish also for those who have no access to dharma or worst get tyrannise because they practice dharma.
Dharma mean a lot to me, I have to be honest in some deep moment only the dharma was there. Now year will come in couple of hours on my part I have put to the grave all what was the past 2013 and all that go with it.
Now this blog got also a public page on facebook so don't forget to like !!!
I wish you to all of you to always have a great love and carry on dharma.
Monday, 23 December 2013
Ashes to rebirth
Today on that 23th December I can say that my total
rebirth, the multiplication of Dharma and Nlp, and all the helps from
my spiritual guides have make my old self die for real and new self
is born.
But today I won't speak to much about me, tomorrow that the birthday of mother, sadly this Christmas I won't be able to see her.
So I have decide to meditate and visit wood and walk around holyrood tomorrow, tonight I like speak of real faith.
When you face the heavier breakdown in your life and friends, family just disappear that this moment you can see if your faith is real or not, because on that moment that here just now if you are faithful to your path you will succeed no matter what's happened to you.
On first stage I have to say that Christian band with great music and message have lift me up and also the great Vajra songs of Milarepa sing by Garchen rinpoche that both together was turning non stop on my MP3 and in my head when I was feeling deep down to hell.
In that faith you can find everything you need whatever you call that : Buddhas, God, Allah, Guru, Krishna yeah if you like all they always be there for you, love I truly feel is more power than all other selfish love, now I will be able to give to my future partner a powerful love without measure it. Unconditional love was the first advice gave me Dorzin Rinpoche and later on Lama Tubten Nima have also explain me how to feel it and to give it and Garchen Rinpoche was the pure example to follow on that.
Yeah this lesson proof me also that from ground zero you can become someone, today I have start loads of project and “don't look how I gonna to succeed I carry on day after day putting a stone everyday with faith without think I need this or that” you want to succeed in life ? Stop to ask yourself and just do it.
Society slam us by the idea be like this or be like that do this do that, find this to pay that OK wait a minute when do we live here ?
Succeed and fulfilled life is important, for that reason we must never give up our dream for nothing and no one.
Garchen Rinpoche was true only unconditional love save you, it's easy to fall into the 8 dharma mondain but to have real faith, the real dharma practitioners are rare like start into the light .
But today I won't speak to much about me, tomorrow that the birthday of mother, sadly this Christmas I won't be able to see her.
So I have decide to meditate and visit wood and walk around holyrood tomorrow, tonight I like speak of real faith.
When you face the heavier breakdown in your life and friends, family just disappear that this moment you can see if your faith is real or not, because on that moment that here just now if you are faithful to your path you will succeed no matter what's happened to you.
On first stage I have to say that Christian band with great music and message have lift me up and also the great Vajra songs of Milarepa sing by Garchen rinpoche that both together was turning non stop on my MP3 and in my head when I was feeling deep down to hell.
In that faith you can find everything you need whatever you call that : Buddhas, God, Allah, Guru, Krishna yeah if you like all they always be there for you, love I truly feel is more power than all other selfish love, now I will be able to give to my future partner a powerful love without measure it. Unconditional love was the first advice gave me Dorzin Rinpoche and later on Lama Tubten Nima have also explain me how to feel it and to give it and Garchen Rinpoche was the pure example to follow on that.
Yeah this lesson proof me also that from ground zero you can become someone, today I have start loads of project and “don't look how I gonna to succeed I carry on day after day putting a stone everyday with faith without think I need this or that” you want to succeed in life ? Stop to ask yourself and just do it.
Society slam us by the idea be like this or be like that do this do that, find this to pay that OK wait a minute when do we live here ?
Succeed and fulfilled life is important, for that reason we must never give up our dream for nothing and no one.
Garchen Rinpoche was true only unconditional love save you, it's easy to fall into the 8 dharma mondain but to have real faith, the real dharma practitioners are rare like start into the light .
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Die Hard

Another bomb I drop before Christmas time, time to speak about this !
Few month ago I was dyeing for love for someone who only was thinking to see other mens and who were pointing fault at me, preaching the dharma to me as I was always wrong.
Sadly for her my faith on the buddhas was so strong that each time she was in town hanging around with someone that have make that I have always, cross her road by one way, the buddha have help me to take off that mask off her face and was wake in the middle of storm.
In November I was so happy to meet HE Garchen rinpoche see my lama and spend long time with him all this storm was in my head, I was so sensible and still a bit on that, that I was enable to follow the dharma properly but in the interview he cleared all of that in a second I was asking him for my relationship and what direction I should take, at first he say “you are with that person who was my ex” then he pause I have say to him I was not any-more sadly, in between tear and faith, then he told me don't worry that all the sexual misconduct is the result of that but as you have faith in the tree jewel you will find someone who is like Tara .
He was true on that day Garchen Rinpoche was in Scotland my ex was hanging around with someone in Depeche mode concert with her new boyfriend.
So after that I saw that I was destroy mentally, emotionally and everything until I apply the first advice of Garchen rinpoche love your ex like the first time, when I see that image of her the first time she was not that monster any more but someone totally different.
Second advice was pray the deity they will never leave you what was true, as Psychic Medium I have to say for couple years I have give up that, until that night I was totally crash dying of sadness, that night I have take refuge in the tree jewel and retake again my Nakgpa vows and call in 10 direction not just the buddhas and bodhisattvas but all my spiritual guides.
That night I have make a strange dream of someone coming at me, saying to me “don't worry we will help you” in that morning only one taught was in my head find oracles, as I use to be professional medium clairvoyant and tarot reader, so that was coming back at me, but to be sure I was not making the right choice I have see a colleague of mine who do reading for Christmas and she told me to retake the music, yes couple of weeks one advisor told me that will be my best asset and she told me also to keep carry on practice my clairvoyance.
A week after just before that experience yesterday with Karmapa, I have make that dream with Trinley Tulku Rinpoche, that mean a lot for me more that just a great kind lama is always have been there to advices me, in that dream he was helping to clear the black box, in the day I make reconnection with my heart sister who stay in France and first things she told me, that “you are better without her she a poison, I have told you that the first time have talk to her” sadly she was right.
Since that day, things start to change, slowly I don't have see the happy end yet but I'm working on everyday, I have promises to myself to never drop nothing from my personality for no one, today I have start to right new songs and using my medium gift to help others in everyday life, my hell is in way of finish because I have take the commitment to clear that, for my ex I just pray that she realise, she had create all of this, I can only drop a prayer for her since she have drop all dharma and radically change to get accept by her new boyfriend may her see what is the real truth and find the way to dharma.
And Garchen rinpoche was right now I meet everyday new person, full of kindness and beautiful in same time, I can see Tara in her easily and at that time I know that I cannot fail .
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Karmapa Kyenno
Today I was working on my charity shop for British heart foundation and at one point I was doing a repetitive task, my mind was not focus at all until a flash light have been going strait to my head.
One word It was like Trinley Tulku Rinpoche was saying at me Karmapa Kyenno is important for you to be connect to your master.
Strangely I start to repeat the mantra and say it more in my head, strangely I have feel this super devotion and one question was in the light right now “Why Karmapa himself have give the name of victorious for the future temple in Scotland”
I have been also remind that dream I say to Dorzin Rinpoche when Karmapa himself have been appear in my dream saying to “ carry on “ when was really difficult to carry on the Drikung Kagyu group .
I feel full devotion for my both Lamas Dorzin Rinpoche, Garchen Rinpoche and I feel also full devotion for my roots Lama, Lama Teunsang and Karmapa I have been lucky to took refuge with great master like them and today I have been remembering that for lives I have been following Karmapa.
Today on my shop reciting all the day the mantra “Karmapa Kyenno” all the day for ones I have feel this great presence during my work the presence when I took refuge with him in France for Chenrezig empowerment.
Also today I have decide to follow my dream no matter what, I will apply to Uni even if some of my tutor want me to take time but in same told me I'm able, I will apply to HNC and I will do my music just watching a movie and one thing they say “ what if you know nothing is impossible” I have been living six years in scar city and negativity but will Les Brown say “yes it's easy to see faith when life is good but when life hit you in bad way big time that the real faith you see “
Karmapa Kyenno
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Light of the guru in pure darkness
When you are in that time in life when everything get fuck up and hard to live you have two choices.
Play hard and you will get hard or turn yourself to the pure faith and devotion, that what I have choose, I have been looking my ex partner playing the Russian roulette of karma but the gun is full loaded.
As I'm psychic medium since my childhood I have always be closer of the spiritual for years my life was not in balance with that for many reasons but strangely in the middle of that hardship like boomerang the music and my gift just came back to me, I have always have been use my gift to help people. In France and UK I have help countless peoples with reading and also inside but for years I have been trying to fit with the system when finally I was a pure maverick.
So yeah since almost 5 month I was hunted by a song “Hero, the chorus is I need a hero” all this years he was closer to since day one, Tsem Tulku rinpoche say Lama Tsonkapa is enlightened being and help you to get it right, Garchen Rinpoche say about Lama Milarepa he will help not just for 7 lives but all the time until you reach enlightenment.
One day I was working in field with my father, my father run away to do some work and an asthma crisis hit me badly I was lying on field alone with one mantra in my head the mantra of Milarepa, I have pray him so hard, that I saw himself appear to me and he put his hand on my chest and my asthma was gone.
That story came back to me today and I have decide to forgive my ex but not her act and pray lama Milarepa because I know that he have been always with me, that because of him I have meet Garchen rinpoche and also because of him I have never make the wrong choice, I have always pray him to guide me.
Today I know loads of Lamas are worry for me, some I have write to them some other I have just pray but all have show me compassion and send me influences I rejoice on that and dedicate to all beings.
I'm not yet sort it but by the power of the lama I know I will soon get out of this hell flat and carry on my way.
Monday, 9 December 2013
When bad meet evil
Sometimes in life we have hardship coming strait like bullets, I was off blogging for long time, was not because I was not able to
write that because at the moment the hardship I live is kind of
fighting an army of devils who rib your life off.
In that good karma have been with me, I turn myself to the dharma and slowly see the situation change but I will told you that story later.
One day you meet a party girl and think that one will be the one you will get married with six years later, you find that woman saying she single and send you sleep on couch.
Sadly you are in that kind of situation when you cannot change the situation and that person hypocritically don't tell you any truth, sadly my job situation don't have change and I fight everyday to quite that hell.
But the truth of the buddha never fail, I still have my heart broken, but I know one things the buddhas never fail me, first time I ask the buddha to show the truth about her and if I was in the wrong way because she had always point the fault on me even in-front of the lama, I saw her with another guy in restaurant, the second time I ask the buddhas I heard she sleep over with another one and yesterday I will still live in the same flat and she was with that guy walking like a lovely couple, she put her head down thinking I was not seeing her but buddha never fail to show you the truth.
After everything have make sense, why Garchen Rinpoche was so kind to me and why he pause when I have start to talk about my relationship and he gave me, really precious advices.
Sincerely I feel betrayed inside like someone have robe me and just drop me into the bin, what she do to me she was using the dharma pointing fault on me to find the way to sleep out with others guy and don't feel guilty just in minute she was so kind with her look like I'm kind and poison you in same time, when she want keep that flat we rent when both me and my family have pay and she never put a cents on it and have clearly decide to push me out of that flat.
In this my faith for the buddha just blow up to the stratosphere, I live in this hard situation just friday someone robe all my Ids and all my bank cards with all my driving licence and also car papers, Sunday see her with that guy have just proof me that I was true since day one she have never been faithful and erase 6 years like you scrap paper, now I know I deserve someone better than a person like that .
Garchen Rinpoche told me that deities will never fail you I'm really thankful to him and give him and Karmapa my full devotion.
That the first part of that long story more will come out, thanks to my friends to have push me to go public, the photo you will see that where I sleep, eat, meditate at the moment when my ex partner have the luxury life and just don't give a shit.
Djemilarepa solwa depso
In that good karma have been with me, I turn myself to the dharma and slowly see the situation change but I will told you that story later.
One day you meet a party girl and think that one will be the one you will get married with six years later, you find that woman saying she single and send you sleep on couch.
Sadly you are in that kind of situation when you cannot change the situation and that person hypocritically don't tell you any truth, sadly my job situation don't have change and I fight everyday to quite that hell.
But the truth of the buddha never fail, I still have my heart broken, but I know one things the buddhas never fail me, first time I ask the buddha to show the truth about her and if I was in the wrong way because she had always point the fault on me even in-front of the lama, I saw her with another guy in restaurant, the second time I ask the buddhas I heard she sleep over with another one and yesterday I will still live in the same flat and she was with that guy walking like a lovely couple, she put her head down thinking I was not seeing her but buddha never fail to show you the truth.
After everything have make sense, why Garchen Rinpoche was so kind to me and why he pause when I have start to talk about my relationship and he gave me, really precious advices.
Sincerely I feel betrayed inside like someone have robe me and just drop me into the bin, what she do to me she was using the dharma pointing fault on me to find the way to sleep out with others guy and don't feel guilty just in minute she was so kind with her look like I'm kind and poison you in same time, when she want keep that flat we rent when both me and my family have pay and she never put a cents on it and have clearly decide to push me out of that flat.
In this my faith for the buddha just blow up to the stratosphere, I live in this hard situation just friday someone robe all my Ids and all my bank cards with all my driving licence and also car papers, Sunday see her with that guy have just proof me that I was true since day one she have never been faithful and erase 6 years like you scrap paper, now I know I deserve someone better than a person like that .
Garchen Rinpoche told me that deities will never fail you I'm really thankful to him and give him and Karmapa my full devotion.
That the first part of that long story more will come out, thanks to my friends to have push me to go public, the photo you will see that where I sleep, eat, meditate at the moment when my ex partner have the luxury life and just don't give a shit.
Djemilarepa solwa depso
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Samurai philosophy in modern time
This post is a new bread post I have decide to put true, come from different way to practice the path and also this reflection come from the modern way of Bushido as most of us not just practice the Tibetan Buddhism I have decide to all the way to the path by this introduction post.
In modern time we live hardship and sometime great time, can be compare to the past over the war time and peaceful time, in our life we face all kind of crisis and on that some of us are really prepare and some other are really not prepare.
When we look on warriors philosophy the Samurai philosophy for us Buddhist sound quite good because there's both dedication and also compassion on it.
Also the bushido have bring us some great values and when we look to our modern society sometimes we have to think “yes” we need values to keep going.
So the bushido bring nine virtues to cultivate and this virtues are link to the bodhisattva virtues, in Japan buddhism and samurai was really close to each others and even if the society was not far they have also bring sense of peace and of virtue.
In our chaotic time when everything move like storm around us we have to be able to stand like a warrior in next post I will develop the Bushido for modern time.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a
sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the
road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses,
you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you
will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking. This
understanding extends to all things.
all live rainstorms in life and most of this rainstorms we cannot
escape due our karma, due our past actions.
as we can change what's coming to us we can change our attitude,
decide firmly to do not react like we react to do not fall in anger
or negativity, as we are the creator of our own life, things good and
bad are also part of us, past action will affect us but in the way
when this arrive they can became our best training in the bodhisattva
the most we study ourself, the most the transformation work to re
discover our true nature totally pure of stain, yes we need to
struggle in life to discover real compassion if we will not struggle
in life we will act with even more ego.
our existence is condition all of this struggles make us understand
on one part what we do wrong and also what we do write, on that we
transform ourself in the good way.
yes we can transform by this struggle as the light doesn’t exist if
there's no darkness life is long tunnel with at the end light of
enlightenment that up to us to go more faster or not.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Give yourself to the dark side !!!
So we are in this world who look for perfect purity, but in our world we can look nice the day have a corporate suite during the day and at night becoming someone else.
We are all judgemental in our society we will say, yeah he/she like this or like aah that not a good person, we have to be clear with ourself in all kind of way we surly not perfect, we can say ah he/she lie or he/she do this or do that but look to again we are not saint we are far from that and even great yogis of the past have being understand what there dark side and they don't have reject it, they have transform in pure compassion.
We all talk about the Buddha teaching or Jesus teaching or Krishna looking deep into the light but how can we see the light without darkness ?
Sometimes we got hardship and first things we do, we just give up say that it end, one against yogis in past have use hardship to realise greater compassion, even Drukpa Kunley have show us on what we call purity is just an idea.
Our dark side is here in the balance and we have to accept it and when we have this big ego pride coming up saying “he / she stupid or whatever” come back on what is the real truth what appear to you is only the pure reflection of yourself .
We look for the perfect person sometimes we so narcissist that we forgot sometimes, yeah Mike Shinoda show us well in that song “hands held high” “it's ironic at time like this you pray but a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday” yeah human we destroy all kind of light we can have to help us to understand what is wrong in us and accept not just in war time but all time in every conflict we got we our partner or work colleges or whatever we forget to turn the light on when we need so we blew our temple or mosque our church in all kind of conflicts.
Yeah at the end is better to accept yourself in all kind of way and be the happy yogi who do not care about who think what of him/her .
Our dark side is part of us so why reject it, why think we are so perfect when we not at all, yeah we talk about give confidence I deal my confidence with you when we don't have in ourself when don't even take the roots of all of this because our real purity that our mind have no stain that our wrong view who think there's something wrong but finally at the end we are all pure by nature.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Who cannot see your real nature will never understand you
Be honest we work this society of biography on what do you have do in your past, what are you doing now and so on, we also living in this society of fake when friends can become foes in day in minute in second.
Now we are in 21st and like the buddha say into the past samsara doesn't change, maybe we get more modern but that not really we can call our advantage.
In our time love is business, you give me this and I give you that, lot of things don't go the write way for sure we are not perfect and also for sure we won't be perfect, because the pure perfection is the imperfection.
We have forget our nature our what call Trumgpa Rinpoche our basic goodness, we become that nasty person who in second will forget many years and put it to trash and make full of anger choice that can even hurt more.
Yeah we also forget forgiveness so easily forgiveness have been becoming business, like hmm you want my friendship don't forget to give me your CV and biography, we forget those we judge have also wounds and like us, those we point our finger have suffer like we suffer so are we so perfect or so good to act like we act ?
Life still a battlefield and the less kindness we put in that life the less we will be happy and that not going dance on Friday night will change that our distractions will never bring back our kindness .
Saturday, 10 August 2013
The right balance
If you look in internet or facebook or whatever, you will have many religious person told to be like this or like that, when we are practitioner we try to encourage others to be better but sometimes when situation show on we forget ourself to be like we preach.
As buddhist we should act compassionate and love to each other, I have a resent story from someone form what I can call my dharma family in India was telling me I love everybody but I hate this kind of people and I just say to him, so you lie to yourself you don't love everybody as this kind are beings and advice him to think that all beings have our mother no matter what we are now and we should take care of them with kindness.
In some others situation we will be kind in our work with all customers and colleague, kind to all kind of beings and come back home and totally be unkind with the partner we live in, that the same things of preaching good and practising bad.
We are not perfect and nobody is, we like to build barrier as nation, as race or religion but all of this just disappear when we finally realise we are all humans and when we drink water that water still come from the same earth, that us put the label of the region that come from where that come from but at the end this water still come from the earth.
In spiritual path soon we hit the tern anger and hate it's the time to ask ourself, do I have practice in the good way or do that is real or do that person isn't a living beings like me or are we really separate ?
After that is good to remind ourself that the good and bad come and go into our life that all karma, but we find karma excuse to be cruel to someone or to forget that we practice the way, in every situation there's a way to came out, unconditional love is ones again the part of this, recognise that the person we judge is same of us, have feeling like we have, have sensibility like we have.
Buddha say that when we have grief with someone or something the better way to heal, is dig a big hole to earth, drop the grief in it, put the earth on top and let the grass cover it and forgive, in our time we want always seek revenge of sometimes there's some miss understanding make this people think you are like this and because this people have another view he/she think like that and there's a conflict.
They was a psychologist have made a experience with his child one day for 6 month he try this experience, he pain a cube one face red one face green and every morning he show the red face to the child and say what you can see and the child say red and what I see and the child say red when the father was in front of the green face.
This story to explain since day one we train ourself to one view but sometimes hold this view can damage others, that the reason when we practice the spiritual path we change our view to have a kind view whatever is our path.
In our time sometimes we have to ask ourself do I apply what I preach, if not maybe we should follow our own advices and progress in our way, that good to help others but in same time we don't have to forget to help ourself.
We have to be always in the right balance
Monday, 5 August 2013
1 in 100
OK today this reflection come to me by walking in supermarket and look to everybody, so let's be honest are not each second living in survival mode, soon we are in school first things we hear it's forget your dream life is like this !
Later on pear around us always discourage us to be what we want to be at the end we finish like we are not happy sick and hateful for all kind of beings because we want keep the little we have been able to keep.
Even worst when we meet someone thinking differently and who him/her succeed in what he/she want to do first things we are suspicious looking for everything bad in that, we think that not “normal” to succeed .
When we look to the path in buddhism, whatever you do in life if we take all kind of examples like Marpa or Milarepa they have make the difference by the one in the one hundreds, in the 21st century isn't just enough to be a practitioner you have to slam the norm and the life in some kind of way, we always say as buddhist yeah live your life how do you want live we are 24/7 in survival mode, we are told to do this or that living in pure shit brain drop by media of all kinds.
21st bodhisattva have to be strong taking the stress but he have also to give both kindness and unconditional love be successful in his/her own well fare as well in the well fare of all beings a real bodhisattva will never be in survival mode and he will show his greatness to the world to inspire the world is the one in the one hundreds .
Yes or life is hard but, we accept to live the way we live because it's simple to live in dark isn't simple to live in light, we are powerful beyond measure that our light in frighting us not or darkness.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Addiction to samsara
Lama Jigme Rinpoche have told recently if you want become buddha in one life you have to renounce everything and if enlightenment is not the principal goal in your life you can have a family and progress life after life if you practice the virtue .
Lama Milarepa say : you have to be disgust by the samsara to really want realise enlightenment and go for it.
Chatral Rinpoche say in the compassion in action we have to have the lifestyle for that and renounce of the samsara to carry on real dharma practice.
So we all looking for fun, relationship and money everyday east or west are the same in modern world we live in pure addiction of samsara, we live in comfort or struggle to get comfort and we thinking to only that.
Tsem Tulku Rinpoche say : the samsara promise a lot but give nothing
We think everything we have see enjoy will make us better but each time we get more angry when something don't go the way we expect and that build an heavy karma to us as we are not practising the way in pure renunciation that even more hard to put our mind in daily meditation, the Buddha say the mistakes is think you time, and time is running really fast and if we not practising or path everyday we losing our time in samsara at the end they're nothing more harmful than that.
Because in our quest of comfort we hurt beings around us, sometimes we make suffer relatives and don't feel any guilt to fix it, we hurt animals and many more and no we are not karma free, karma never stop and as you can see if we really meditate on cause and effect mistakes we make we get us by one way or another except if we purify and go forward in path even take refuge everyday is really powerful and we should remind our self for what was the reason we took refuge in the first place.
We wonder why we suffer so much but as say Shandideva all the suffering in the world come from wanted happiness for oneself and all happiness in the world come from wanting happiness from others, we should remind ourself everyday and when anger come cut it and act with kindness, when the pride and ego is here cut it and act with renunciation, when hatred come we should remind ourself all beings have buddha nature and we should love them not love some kind and reject others that pure duality and that not the path of the buddha.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
The light of the guru in the darkness of samsara
In this time when only
6 % of buddhist practice really the pure way relate on past master
like Lama Milarepa is become even more important than anything else .
We are everyday making
choice or not making choice what's a choice on itself to float in
pure samsara, distraction of all kind everywhere for those who have
sense of ethic and pure faith and devotion in the way to liberate
him/her self and others from the watching machine of the samsara is
like fighting a MMA fighter with no skill to survive the fight.
In that we have to
relate on our precious past present masters to help us to come true
all our disturbance make us useless to help others, we live in pure
ego trip society and we have to remind ourself this is not real in
the way we think, this will disappear so fast in time of death.
We complain about our
condition, we complain about politician, we complain about this or
that we fall deep in depression because we acting like spoil kids.
Yes the precious lama
is always here to remind us, all you got is because of you no one
else, you are the master of your fate and there's even more important
quest in life than just self sharing.
We take like granted
the small pieces we got and forget that will also disappear in time
of death as the guru yoga with the lama is the higher tantra ever we
should remember Milarepa story and practice the path everyday by all
the way we can.
Build up an ego don't
take many time but leave it take even more time and let go of bad
habit is work of everyday, when we wake up 10 / 20 years later and
see “ha my lama is no more here I wasted my time doing this, doing
that now what I can do “
I have personal story
to share with you one of my friend is student of Trungpa rinpoche and
during life he meet him long time and practice with him and also live
is life when Trungpa pass away he start to go a bit to much in
samsara and one day I was sitting with him in his home and he told
me how it was so hard to get back to practice, it was a fight of
everyday to do not spend that time busting around internet and see
things not useful, yes is closer to 78 years old now and he give me
that big advice “practice the dharma no matter what because if you
waste your time, time we take over you and you will lost everything
and be afraid to die”
Yes in our time when 6
% of buddhist practice really we need to think again and maybe push
to next step remind the bodhisattvas vows we took, remind the
promises we made to our lama and go for it, time is now, the past is
past and we will never live that again, future is not here yet so why
spend our time in non meaningful life and practice no virtues at all.
Kandro Rinpoche say if
you look everyday how many virtue you really practice isn't much so
for that we should be really diligent and don't forget our life is
To finish this post I
like to say in this time we look for proof of everything we should
remind that movie Start war : Luke:
I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you fail.
a leap of faith and carry on look for what is real truth !!!
Friday, 12 July 2013
Human with good qualities
When I first read
Shambhala the path of the warrior that have make inside revolution to
me, strangely when we look to our modern society media and
surrounding are good to reflect bad human qualities but clearly
forget one things we all got buddha nature vast and aware.
When we read the both
books of Trungpa rinpoche and the Sakyong we are bit chock to see as
humanity have quality of basic goodness, sound strange to hear that
when since we are kids the Christian view build us in our mind that
we are sinner.
Also Shambhala learn us
we are brave and we don't look a situation as desperate, we change
our mind to open our heart to bodhicitta when the situation is hard.
In our time today when
we look to the news or just go to our shop by a book and look that
the top reading in our time is the serial killer series we can ask
ourself “ Where's the love ? “
Our society have
totally drop what make us human and shambhala remind us how we should
develop everyday the goodness to others, as Shambhala come from the
kalashakra tantra this principal are higher but keep in mind this
principal that also remind ourself yes human beings can care for each
others, human being can protect environment, yes human being can be
good .
The Sakyong have ask
those who follow the shambhala way to help to build a enlightenment
society but what's enlightenment society, in some way is be aware of
sufferance of others and help them to deal with that also help each
others to get rib of negativity and the list is long.
Yes we can build a
better society, if we build better understanding of ourself .
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