Friday 25 January 2013

Difference between knowing the path and walking the path

When we looking for something success or spirituality, we need to commit ourself 100 % on it and this reflection from the matrix is the really great that show you know something but not apply what we learn. 

In Buddhism we talking on commitment to the practice that mean, we working on ourself observing what we doing wrong them we change what's wrong on us to not arm ourself and others.

Summary of the Ten Virtuous Actions

As a practical meditation exercise, one can take a vows to not do
these for a day, three days, a week, a month, etc. Ordained
individuals take all ten vows (for as long as they are ordained).
If one takes a vow and keeps it, one derives the postive karma
from this action. If one simply doesn’t do the negative action,
such as not killing and doesn’t take the vow, then one doesn’t
derive any postive karma from it (but obviously also doesn’t get
any negative karma from killing).

1. Not to take a life
2. Not to take what is not given
3. Avoid Sexual Misconduct
4. Not to Decieve
5. Avoid Slander of others
6. Avoid Harsh words
7. Avoid Empty Speech
8. Avoid Greedy Thoughts
9. Not to be Malicious
10. Avoid the Wrong View

In everyday life that work of every time because our society is really difficult for that, when in morning we take vow to do not arm others today it's real work.
Because each time we let our mind flow to fast or each time we let our ego take the lead that we lead us and others to pain.

When we break a vows the power of regret is the only one can help us, in the everyday life to follow the buddhist path it's fight for every hours and minute and second.

But keep a vow can help us to have really good karma. 

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