Saturday 19 January 2013

Holy what ?

Holy war two words don't go together, both way that for the crusade or now what's happening in the world.

In my childhood I was Christian because my family is Christian, later not happy of the answers I have got from this path I look to the other side of Sufism.
But no answers for me was on this both path I respect the both path and still remember the both teaching and they was not question of holy war.

When you put Jihad on google you have billion of wrong things to come, when I remember the life of Mohammed the prophet , I remember he was away from people always meditating and he say the the greater Jihad is conquer the self.

Now if you look to Jesus teaching that even more simple, Jesus claim in the old testament battle against the devil but still the same inside battle of what describe Mohammed .

On that is the reason we should even more cultivate peace, knowing the cause and effect, the karma of this century isn't done and beings will even suffer more and that sadness of this post .

Crusade or Jihad or whatever we claim excuse for war, in Hakakure text is say that a Samurai never go to battle for no reason, today I have watch documentary on Alexander the great, when you look how he have take his part of the world and finally die in pure sufferance, I respect him as warrior and great tactician but I even respect more the pre-emptor Ashoka realise what he have done and change and became peaceful buddhist.

So holy or not war still war and that sad that mean sufferance in all kind of way and there's no holiness in war, we drag ourself to hell by that heavy practice, I remember this teaching from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche about the 9/11 so if you can imagine Mother Teresa all the good action she have do and so on, now imagine the saints all the good action they have do, now you can see Mother Teresa as saint she stay in heaven .
OK now look whatever they religion making bad action, killing do you think really this people we go to paradise ? Was his teaching that true when we look really on that even a good sense of logic can show you that, do a serial killer will have peaceful death not sure of that .

All religion are good if they practice the virtue, after that we should really not misinterpret what is the teaching of religion, because that can just drive us to war.

May all being be happy  

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