Thursday 3 January 2013

Kindness Compassion

The essence of compassion is to copy how you relate with your child (in your relationships with others). The problem is how much you want to be the head of the family or the ringleader of your friends. You know, if that ambition is not there, but you have a genuine willingness to share, that is precisely the concept of sangha, or the Buddhist community, in traditional terms. You are willing to be friends with everybody, but at the same time you are not particularly taking credit. You don’t make people depend on you. Everybody can stand on his or her own feet. The ideal of helping is to make others independent of you. You help them to become more independent rather than making them addicted to you.
Chogyam Trungpa

In our world be kind and compassion sound sometimes weak but in our time that the most strong attitude and behavior we should develop .

Our world have never change since kalpas as say Buddha himself the same suffering coming and never end, Garchen Rinpoche have say in Vajrakilaya Teaching, just have look on what's happening in Japan and you will have a simple idea of hell.

That true that if we look just to our daily news our world is everything but in peace, war is everywhere, people suffering by all kind of sufferance even in our modern country and time, we think that we are happy but that an illusion.

So in this terrible world we live do kindness and compassion can be the way to heal us from all of this ?

The more kind we will act the more kind the world will change we can see the result of our behavior right now, look just now in your google news or BBC news whatever ! Try this if you don't see one story of war our murder our somebody suffering.

When you realize that, then you realize also you need to heal yourself from that and also heal other that the work on compassion and kindness

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