Monday 4 March 2013

Enlightenment society

This post today is something I seek to write since long time, my teenage have drive by Trungpa Rinpoche books later I become part of Shambhala.

In our society we see easily what's wrong but we forget our true nature what a Shambhalian we call a basic goodness, as Buddha follower I simply call that buddha nature.

This post will be on three post because, maybe we see it or not but now both Buddha dharma and all kind of spirituality become more accessible in our material world, we got plenty examples of Lamas teaching on net.

This first vision will be the Trungpa vision of enlightenment society in the Sacred path of the warrior is look to the simple find the good in ourself by the mind training by finding the good in ourself we also see the good in others and live in present moment .

In the 21st century right here right now are we in way to build an enlightenment society ?

The buddhism have reach the west by different way each time have change the western way to think and also to change habit, but not just buddhism have reach the west, all religions from the east and far east have been to the west as well all our culture also have touch the east and on some way that good and in the middle of that we can call that when we take the both all tradition religious plus all the technology and western view that the enlightenment society, now we maybe need to realise that, we need maybe to appreciate what is good on us in steed of get media brain wash by media.

If we look on the book if we look on top 10 of the holy books read in the world we will be surprise how some book have shape our society right now, like the Tao te ching.

In Usa we have some coach teaching the Tao te ching in TV so on some way that good that bring real value in the media and make our society change, in Europe there's buddhist, christian and so on Tv show, in Uk there Lama Jampa Thaye teaching on Manchester radio every week, so that enlightenment society in the media.

Also east and west more than ever in this time we got all kind of spiritual path really accessible to us and yes we can take the path that up to us, so that maybe one part of the enlightenment society.

"coming next the life of Buddha and also Enlightenment society part 2 "

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